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An Influencers Guide to SXSW 2011

South by Southwest Interactive, that yearly invasion by geeks, dweebs and nerds alike, is coming up next week and there are more parties than you could shake a stick at. That is, unless you were one crazy, stick shaking S.O.B. So how do you decide which one to go to and which one to walk on by? Well, you want to go to the one with the people you want to meet, right? You’re there to have fun and make connections.

SocMetrics, a startup that ranks influencers according to topic, has come up with an “Influencers Guide” to the top 25 parties at this year’s SXSW that could help guarantee you run into the folks you’re looking for.


Unlike something like Klout, SocMetrics doesn’t see influence as an across the board metric. That is, a tech blogger may have influence in their particular realm of technology, they likely have none whatsoever in the recording industry, for example. So, SocMetrics ranks individuals according to their influence in a particular niche, using three factors – peers, topicality and content. (Read more about SocMetrics particular blend of analytics on its site.)

SocMetrics took its methods and applied them to events listed on social calendar Plancast to arrive at a list of 25 parties where you’re almost guaranteed to run into that big name investor, founder, guru or blogger.


The list of 25 parties shows a full list of “influencers” attending, along with what topics the people attending have influence with. When you click through to the full list, you can access each individual influencer, their contact information and details on what topics they influence.

For the full list of 25 parties to attend to meet the folks, visit the SocMetrics site.


Posted in General, Technology, Web.

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