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A Template for Runnning Node.js on Amazon EC2

NodeJS logo 150x150 Rasmus Andersson, developer of sites such as Dropular and Spotnicc, has created a template for setting up an Amazon EC2 instance for running Node.js or other Web applications. You can use it save time setting up and deploying virtual servers while experimenting with new ideas.

The steps are outlined here and the template can be found Github here. It seems like a handy way to get up and running with Node.js.


According to Andersson, the key features of the template are:

  • About 20 minutes from start to finish (It takes ~10 minutes to build Node.js and about 10 minutes of actual work from your part).
  • Eligible for/compatible with the “AWS Free Usage Tier”
  • Runs Ubuntu Linux
  • Optional Node.js support
  • Git-based deployment
  • Init.d scripts for integrating Node.js services with the system

If you’re more of a Rackspace person, check out this guide to setting up Node.js on Rackspace Cloud in three minutes.


Posted in General, Technology, Web.

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