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7 Tech Companies That Raised Venture Capital Today: Which Will Change the World? (Poll)

piggy_sep10.jpgToday’s companies raising venture capital truly run the gamut of services and topics. We’ve got an app to enable college students to find the hottest party on campus, an online education option for graduate students, copywriters creating targeted ads with just the right words to get us clicking and a financial health site for women as well as several other intriguing ideas. Such a diverse lineup! Which company do you think will wind up changing our world the most? Make your opinion heard by voting in the poll below and find out about yesterday’s winner too.


Yesterday’s Poll winner was Altobridge, a company that’s bringing the mobile market to developing countries. Altobridge earned 59% of RWW readers’ votes.

Today’s Companies:

Pricelock, based in Redwood City, CA, raised $12m in funding today. Pricelock provides technology and commodities knowledge to gauge fuel prices for businesses in the U.S. BoostCTR creates optimized ads by having copywriters rewrite the text within the ads, for greater sales. BoostCTR is based in San Francisco and raised $1.6m from several different investors.

Spigit, provider of management software accessible via employees’ phones and Facebook accounts, announced a $10m raise today. Sponto makes a mobile app exclusively for college students, helping them find parties via the GPS in their mobile phone. Sponto’s app allows students to see social events going on and around campus, all at once and in real time.

DailyWorth is a community-driven, financial information site geared for women. DailyWorth secured $850,000 in funding according to an SEC filing. Jumio, a company still in the development stages with a focus on making all monetary transactions electronic, just got a boost with $1.5m in funding, also according to an SEC filing.

2tor, an online higher education startup based in New York City, raised $32.5m in a Series C round of funding. 2tor partners with graduate programs to make more classes accessible online.

Which company do you think will change the world the most?


Posted in General, Technology, Web.

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