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Top 10 Most Popular Open Source Applications in the Enterprise (Maybe)

OpenLogic logo OpenLogic provides enterprise support for a variety of open source software projects. Today the company published a list of the ten applications that its customers purchased support for most frequently.

This is an interesting list because it uses support data instead of downloads as a measure of an application’s popularity. And the list is mostly what we’d expect: Apache, MySQL and Subversion are all represented. But since OpenLogic isn’t the only provider of support for open source applications, this list might not be entirely accurate.


  1. JBoss Application Server
  2. Tomcat
  3. Apache HTTP Server
  4. Hibernate Core
  5. Spring Framework
  6. Struts
  7. MySQL Community Server
  8. Subversion
  9. Ant
  10. Log4j

Are there any glaring omissions?

Open source in the enterprise has gained traction in recent years, as we’ve discussed before.


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