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This Week in the Cloud – Klint Finley Discusses the Need for Ad-Hoc Networks

klintcloud.jpgThis Week in Cloud Computing featured our very own Klint Finley as a guest in the last episode. It seemed like the right time to give credit to this show that has emerged as one of the most consistent voices in the world of the cloud.

Hosted by Amanda Coolong and David Linthicum, the show features discussions and interviews. Klint was invited to discuss Egypt and the issues that come when telecommunications companies and governments have such control. He talked about how the situation in Egypt demonstrates how much more resilient the Internet needs to be so communications can run smoothly.


Klint has been running a series of posts about the need for alternative networks. He discussed:

  • The creation of mobile, ad-hoc networks that can connect with each other to create a wireless mesh.
  • Turn all devices into routers.
  • How radio transmissions could be used for network to connect.
  • Why these types of networks re needed for health and safety.

Linthicum said it is important for innovation to continue in this area so it is difficult to block communications.

Joining the show after Klint was Johnny Diggz of Tropo who discussed telephony and its context with the situation in Egypt. Digz is the founder of “Geeks Without Bounds.” The service has provided the capability for people in Egypt to send messages via voice.

Thanks to This Week in the Cloud for having Klint on the show and providing a consistent source for news about the cloud.


Posted in General, Technology, Web.

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