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Rackspace Cloud Offering Free New Relic Accounts

Cirrus_clouds2.jpg This week New Relic announced that New Relic Bronze accounts are available to all Rackspace Cloud customers at no additional cost. New Relic offers a software-as-a-service for managing, monitoring and troubleshooting cloud-hosted applications. We covered the service previously here.

New Relic Bronze accounts nornally sell for $75 a month. The Bronze accounts feature unlimited users, online support and one week of data retention. Higher level accounts offer more data retention and more analysis, monitoring and alerting tools.


Earlier this week, The Register reported that New Relic is integrating with the new Amazon Web Services Elastic Beanstalk service. “As Beanstalk expands past Tomcat to other containers and developer platforms … we are going to see a lot of traffic,” New Relic’s vice president of business development Bill Lapcevic told The Register. New Relic already supports standard AWS services, including Heroku’s platform-as-a-service.

GigaOm reports that New Relic tripled its revenue in 2010 and grew from 5,600 customers to 7,000.


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