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Netflix (Finally) Finds its Way Onto Boxee

What’s an Internet TV device without support for streaming video subscription service Netflix these days? Not in the game, might be the answer there. After all, Netflix is available on a plethora of devices, from gaming consoles to streaming players to embedded Blu-ray players and TV sets.

Today, the Boxee Box has finally jumped aboard the Netflix bandwagon, at last putting it on equal footing with nearly every other Internet TV device out there.


“Netflix support was the most common request we had on our blog comments, forum posts, tweets, etc,” writes Boxee founder and CEO Avner Ronen. “We heard you loud and clear. We were bummed that we could not make it happen earlier, but are very excited to have it out today.”

Why is having Netflix on your device such a big deal? The company recently released its Q4 numbers from 2010 and announced that it had signed on more than 7 million new members in 2010, with more than 3 million of those in the last quarter alone. The launch of its streaming-only service in both Canada and the U.S. has proven to be a huge success. Well, all that and the simple fact that Boxee users can now watch streaming Netflix content using their Boxee Box.

According to Ronen, the service will be available as an update to Boxee software and will launch simultaneously in both Canada and the U.S. How do you get the update if you don’t want to wait?

To instantly watch movies streaming Netflix on your Boxee Box, you’ll need to update the software on your Box – it will update automatically to the new version ( within the next 24hrs or you can manually check for the update by going to Settings>System>Update.

Welcome to the party, Boxee!


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