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Meet the 13 Companies that Came Out on Top at Launch


Nearly 50 companies have presented  over the past two days at Jason Calcanis’ LAUNCH conference. We’ve seen everything from well-established companies like StackOverflow launch a job-finder service for its existing members to companies sign $100,000 deals on stage.

Now, it has come to an end and, like most things, a winner (or 13) has to be declared. Here’s who came out on top.


Over the past two days, CEOs and co-founders took the stage, presented their product and then answered to a panel of judges. All the while, a “grand jury” of angels, founders and pundits (as well as ReadWriteWeb’s own Marshall Kirkpatrick) kept a running tally of the presenting companies to pass final judgment .

40 companies were initially chosen to present on stage and a number of other companies were picked by judges to come up from the "Launch Pad". Now, 13 winners will be chosen with five coming from the “Launch 1.0” group, which consists of brand new companies, and five from the “Launch 2.0” group, which consists of existing companies introducing new products.

Here are the winners:

Beyond awards, it was also announced that Green Goose closed a $500k round and more than a dozen deals were signed over the past two days.

While the grand jury may have spoken, there’s one award we have to give away ourselves: the best presentation at a conference ever. Meet Domo.


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