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Live Blog: Google’s Honeycomb & Android Event

Last week, the Google Android team sent out an invite promising an “in-depth look at Honeycomb, Android ecosystem news and hands-on demos,” so here we are at the Googleplex in Mountain View and we’re ready for these hands-on demos. In the mean time, we’ll be live blogging the announcement and bringing you the latest in mobile and tablet OS news from the big G.

Last night, we predicted that today’s event could unveil the long-awaited Google Music, an Android Market redesign or an official announcement that Google would be forking the Android OS. Today, there’s no more time for speculation. Here’s what Google has to say, live.


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9:45 AM: We’re here waiting for the doors to open. In the meantime, take a look at the cute little Android!

The doors are set to open at 10 a.m. pacific, so stay tuned.


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