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Enterprise Startup Spotlight Submission Guidelines

safe cloud 150x150 (better) We’re starting a new, weekly series here at ReadWriteEnterprise called the “Enterprise Startup Spotlight.” If you’d like to submit a company for consideration, please review our submission requirements and send us an e-mail. These requirements are subject to change – and probably will once we get started.


Please craft your pitch around the following format:

1. Do you target large enterprises? (If not, please do not submit your company)

2. Please provide a one sentence description of your company. Please be as clear and concise as possible.

3. Explain in more detail what your company is doing. A couple paragraphs is plenty.

4. List some of your competitors and explain why your offering is different. Also, if there are some companies that may be perceived as competitors but are not, please explain why they are not.

5. Provide one customer reference, preferably either a large customer or a smaller customer doing something particularly interesting with your technology (or a large customer doing something interesting). Here are two of our favorite customer stories:

If you have any customers doing anything this interesting, we’d love to know about it.

6. List your funding.

E-mail your submissions to

Image credit: Bichuas (E. Carton)


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