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Ditch the Office: Next Week is National Telework Week

telework-week.pngIf you’re an American worker who prefers working outside the office, you’re in luck: Next week is National Telework Week in the U.S.

During the week of February 14-18, private businesses and government agencies are encouraged to allow employees who normally make the trek into office each day to work from home instead.


More than 35,000 companies and organizations have pledged to participate in the event. According to the official Telework Week Website, this would save an estimated $2,451,069 and more than 1,600 tons of pollutants from entering the atmosphere. Where these numbers come from is not entirely clear, but it stands to reason that fewer people commuting would help save money and reduce pollution to some extent.

National Telework Week is sponsored by Telework Exchange and Cisco, which makes telepresence and communication products, as well as other tools to facilate remote working.

If you’re interested in participating, it’s not too late to pledge that your company will let its employees work from home next week. Get on that.


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