Social media analytics company Postrank has found two new ways to make use of the massive pile of data it collects each day concerning social media engagement with web content. Postrank scores pieces of content by the number of comments they receive, the number of times they are shared on Twitter, bookmarked on Delicious, linked to by blogs and much more. The company is tracking social media engagement with all kinds of things.
Yesterday Postrank announced the expansion of its browser plug-in to include Google search results, so that select Google results will now be appended with data about their social media engagement. (See screenshot below.) Today, Postrank launched a new data blog: tracking variable social media engagement between players in various industries, like auto manufacturers or newspaper websites. This is super smart and should be a great read.
We use Postrank every day here at ReadWriteWeb for basic news research, but we also use it at special times to rank engagement for ourselves across news and opinion sites covering particular topics. See, for example, our use of Postrank to track the top geolocation blogs.
For Postrank to start its own blog highlighting content engagement trends across industries, funneling readers into more in-depth reports which funnel them further towards becoming paying customers, is very smart. It should be fun for us as readers, too.
Stories told based on analysis of interlinking URLs produced by social media: I think there’s a future in that.
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