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Weekly Poll: New APIs Doubled in 2010 So What Does That Mean for the Year Ahead?

Polling Station signProgrammable Web is a guide for the state of APIs. It provides one of the clearest pictures about APIs, the uses and how they are being adopted.

This week, Programmable Web did its review of the past year. Here are some of their findings.


  • A total of 1,019 APIs were added to the Programmable Web API directory, that’s double the number added in 2009.
  • Social APIs were most popular and mobile is showing its growing influence.
  • The total number of APIS has increased from 105 in 2005 to more than 2,600 in the past year.


Will this year see another doubling in the total number of APIs? What do you think?


Posted in General, Technology, Web.

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