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Weekly Poll: Is Linked Data Gaining Acceptance?

Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for oracleweeklypollchart.png Yesterday I posted about DBpedia and how it turns Wikipedia into a database. It’s a fascinating example of what is happening to the Web and even more to the Internet and its evolution.

Big data is the topic we will all watch this year. As the discussion evolves, Linked Data will be a topic that will come up increasingly often. We already see its growth. It’s a wonderful time in many ways. It’s real proof of the Semantic Web. To the researchers and early users, that’s a terrific development that will also unleash something else. A gushing flow of ways to use Linked Data in some commercial or non-commercial context.


Data is more apparent in our lives than ever before. Linked Data gives us the capability to find new ways to explore this new space. In the process, it will eventually go mainstream.


Posted in General, Technology, Web.

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