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Personal WiFi Hotspots Reportedly Coming to All iPhones

iphone150.jpgIf yesterday’s announcement of the Verizon iPhone and its promise to be able to generate a WiFi hotspot for up to 5 mobile devices is the thing that has you contemplating a switch to the carrier, then you might want to wait. Boy Genius Report says that a source tell it that this feature will be coming to all iPhones in iOS 4.3.

Of course, this will likely require carrier support, so AT&T users still might not benefit.


iOS-personal-hotspot.jpgBut if this feature is one of those make-or-break reasons why people would switch carriers (well, other than being able to make a phone call, of course), then it’s likely AT&T would follow Verizon’s suit.

According to BGR, the OS version will be 8F5148b, the baseband will be 04.08.00, with technical acceptance planned for March.

In the meantime, you can read our guide on how to jailbreak your iPhone to turn it into a hotspot.

Or you can get an Android, which offers WiFi and tethering as part of its OS.


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