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LinkedIn IPO: What The Analysts Are Saying

Business social network LinkedIn filed to go public on the stock market today and is expected to be just one of a number of initial public offerings by tech companies this year. 66.04% of respondents to a survey we ran here on ReadWriteWeb earlier this month said they would consider buying stock in LinkedIn – but what have the professional analysts got to say about the opportunity?

Not a lot yet, it turns out. We’ve gathered some of the most interesting reactions so far below.


What do you think of those opinions? I think they paint a good picture of the breadth of reactions and they all seem fair to me.

LinkedIn says it will be using the money raised will be used for general operating, marketing and acquisitions of other companies. That sounds interesting.

Once bidding begins on the stocks issued, the value of the stocks already held by investors and execs will be determined. Nicholas Carlson at Business Insider did some math today and came up with an estimate:

That would mean LinkedIn [founder] Reid Hoffman’s 21.4% stake is worth $430 million. CEO Jeff Weiner’s is worth $80 million. [VCs:] Sequoia’s stake – bought for $4.7 million – is worth $380 million, Greylock’s $320 million, Bessemer’s, $100 million.

For more business details, see AllThingsD.

Not bad. Hopefully the service will grow more useful. It’s certainly just begun to tap into what it could do.


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