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KickStarter’s Best of 2010 is Super Inspiring

kickstarterawards150.jpgCrowdfunding platform KickStarter is publishing a look at the best projects the flourishing site has seen over 2010 and the award winners are really uplifting for the spirit. Journalist/cartoonist Ted Rall, for example, used KickStarter to fund a month of reporting inside Afghanistan. His cartoons from the field were sent first to the 211 KickStarter supporters who funded his trip.

KickStarter helps people fund a project, almost any kind of project, by using its site as a platform for collecting donation pledges, publishing videos and updates and more. More than 250,000 people have now pledged over $20 million to fund home-recorded music projects, independent films and books and many other creative projects, in just 18 months since the site launched. Below are three of my favorite videos from KickStarter’s Best of 2010 collection.


Note that all the below examples are projects that exceeded their funding goals, in some cases raising well over $100,000. It’s hard not to imagine a future where a site like this helps fund a cultural renaissance.

How do projects like these pull it off? See our write-up of some lessons learned by people who used Kickstarter this year with success.


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