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Fuze Meeting Now Lets You Host Webinars From Your iPad

Online meeting service Fuze Meeting just released a new version of its iPad app, which now offers the ability to host webinars from the device.

We took at look at the Fuze Meeting app alongside three other iPad meeting apps a few months back and were quite impressed with it. Despite being the newest entrant to this space, Fuze was the first online meeting service to enable users to schedule and host meetings from the device itself (rather than simply attend meetings scheduled from the desktop). It also got a head start on the Android tablet space, offering the first meeting app for that platform in November.


Their iPad app’s latest update expands on that capability, giving organizers the ability to host up to 100 participants, from whom the other attendee’s information is hidden.

The webinar feature, which is often offered separately from meeting services of this nature, is available to all Fuze Meeting subscribers with a Pro account ($69/month), but it is not included in their cheaper plans.

Other new features in the new version include shared whiteboards and improvements to the app’s Dropbox integration. Meeting organizers can now use Dropbox to upload files to Fuze’s content library, making it available to view within the meeting.

Have you begun using tablets for business-related purposes yet? If so, how have you been using them? Let us know in the comments.


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