Location based social network Foursquare and MTV have partnered to launch a new badge themed after train-wreck TV show Jersey Shore. It’s called the Gym/Tan/Laundry (GTL), awarded to users who check in at one of each type of venue in a seven day period. I don’t know what to say about this, but I notice that one of my friends has already been awarded one.
Foursquare has always said that it aimed to change peoples’ behavior in the offline world. Though it’s not clear exactly what kinds of venues fit the bill (do dry cleaners count?), this badge appears to be like Jersey Shore itself: a celebration of being fit (if not sober), tanned all year and working class. May we all find things in life that fulfill us. And may there be a badge for that.
Say what you will about Jersey Shore, at least this badge is cooler looking that CNN’s dorky apple badge you get for checking in to a farmers’ market twice. What other TV-related real-world activities would you like to see get a badge? Dirty Jobs? BrĂ¼no? Big Love? The possibilities for fun are endless.
The integration of offline and online worlds will certainly mean different things for different people.
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