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5 Twitter Lists to Follow About Cloud Computing

TwitterTwitter has to be a top three tool for professional bloggers. We use Twitter all day for our work. We use it for getting a pulse of breaking news, particular topics we find of interest and to let people know about our posts. We use it for a lot more than that, too, but that’s a pretty fair overview.

Twitter Lists are often a good source when following a particular topic. If nothing else, the conversation in the list can help with other searches.


There are a number of lists out there to follow about cloud computing. Here are some of the top ranking lists we saw on Listorious, ( a site that tracks Twitter Lists:

  • Clouderati is one of my favorites. Like any good list, it’s all about the people. Conversation gets pretty animated. It’s a smart group.
  • SaaS: The name says it all. The list for people who talk about software as a service.
  • Cloud People and Vendors: This is a well curated list. It includes a number of the people in Clouderati but also goes deeper by pointing out key executives at companies such as VMware, Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Research.
  • Data Visualization: To me, the cloud is what brings new context to our world. Data visualization points out those intersections which makes the cloud fascinating. I have a weak spot for this stuff!
  • Web Hosting and the Cloud: Robert Scoble started this list, which has some of the most followers of any list on cloud computing. In Scoble’s words: “If it moves in Web Hosting or Cloud Hosting it’s on this list.”

These are some of the most popular lists on Twitter about cloud computing. What are your favorites?


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