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What’s Happening on Digg? New Email and On-site Notifications Help You Keep Track

digg_trends_logo.jpgDigg is expanding the way in which its notifications work, in order to help users keep better track of what’s happening on the site. The update has two components: additional email notification options and the ability to receive on-site notifications.

The email notifications will now give you more information about the people you follow, specifically when they comment or Digg a story you’ve already taken action on. And the on-site notifications will give a little broadcast icon next to your profile image. Clicking on the icon will give you a drop-down with the five most recent notifications.



You might want to adjust your settings if you’re an avid Digg user and/or you have a lot of followers, as the default settings may mean you get a lot of email.

Digg says it is considering some additional updates, including notifications when a story you submit gains a certain number of Diggs or when someone you follow submits a story. But Digg is looking for feedback before making any more changes, which considering some of the dust-up surrounding its recent changes, is probably a good thing.


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