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Top 10 SMB Tech Tools of 2010

Real-time Analytics

2010 was a big year for the real-time Web in general, and naturally we saw the use of real-time analytics tools start to approach mainstream status. With such big name publishers as Gawker, Fast Company and the New York Times signing on with Chartbeat and customers flocking to services like Woopra, Optify, Clicky and ClickTale, it’s hard to deny the emerging importance of real-time data to businesses of all sizes, a trend that undoubtedly continue into 2011 and beyond.

On our ReadWriteBiz channel, we discussed how real-time analytics can benefit small businesses and covered one company that increased traffic by 300% using real-time data.


Launched in late 2009, social email marketing tool Flowtown really started to take off this year, raising $750,000 in funding and amassing over 15,000 customers.

Flowtown lets you import a list of email contacts and find out more information about each person via any social networking profiles they may have. Flowtown shows who’s on Facebook, Twitter (including their Klout score) and LinkedIn and even includes details from Flickr or Amazon wish lists.

For businesses, this offers a whole new level of social insight into what was once just a list of email addresses collecting dust in a CSV file or database somewhere.

Next page: Businesses have an enormous amount of online data to keep track of…

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