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Top 10 SMB Tech Tools of 2010


Square may not be the only solution for taking credit card payments via mobile devices, but it certainly garnered the most buzz this year and has helped put mobile payments within reach of small businesses everywhere.

No longer is there a barrier for even the smallest of businesses to begin accepting credit cards where ever they may be: at a trade show, convention hall or in a store or cafe.

Google Apps

Google Apps itself has been around for a few years, but 2010 marked the year that Google rolled out access to more than sixty of their services to Apps customers, just as Google continued to hone in on small businesses with several new product launches and the debut of the Google Small Business Blog.

For SMBs and enterprise customers of Google Apps, an enormous number of new tools were made available this year, including Analytics, Places, Blogger, Picasa, Custom Search, Website Optimizer and Google Checkout, among many others.

Next page: It’s hard to deny the emerging importance of real-time data to businesses of all sizes…

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