Success Factors
Success Factors uses activity streams as a universal notifier and contact environment for employee productivity. It’s a different strategy than Chatter, which uses activity streams to enhance its customer relationship platform. Instead, it’s more about establishing a presence for every employee in the enterprise by offering a dashboard view. In October, the company made a big play into the business intelligence market with its acquisition of YouCalc, a SaaS service out of Denmark that does analytics across multiple applications, including Google Analytics, Mailchimp and
Sucess Factors is a publicly traded company. It has a market share of about $2.5 billion and $200 million in annual revenues. It’s an application provider that provides third-party integrations. That’s not such a bad place to be when the market is turning as it is. Companies are using services to empower their employees. It represents a shift in spending that Success Factors seems primed to exploit.
Amazon Web Services
AWS is the barometer for all cloud service providers. It’s the pioneer in the cloud computing market but also the leader. By constantly optimizing, AWS is able to drop prices and add instances. The Cluster GPU instance, for example, allows companies to do operations for displaying complex graphics at high speed. This past week, AWS followed up on that news by offering more storage capacity for customers:
A number of our customers want to store very large files in Amazon S3 — scientific or medical data, high resolution video content, backup files, and so forth. Until now, they have had to store and reference the files as separate chunks of 5 gigabytes (GB) or less. So, when a customer wanted to access a large file or share it with others, they would either have to use several URIs in Amazon S3 or stitch the file back together using an intermediate server or within an application.
No more.
We’ve raised the limit by three orders of magnitude. Individual Amazon S3 objects can now range in size from 1 byte all the way to 5 terabytes (TB). Now customers can store extremely large files as single objects, which greatly simplifies their storage experience.
AWS has more competition than it ever has before but it still remains out front and shows no sign of giving up its leadership spot.
Windows Azure
Windows Azure represents Microsoft’s deep investment in the cloud. It showed this year with Steve Ballmer’s proclamation that the cloud represents Microsoft’s future. It is perhaps the most massive undertaking of any company cloud initiative. It is host to Office applications with It has the compute capabilities to be used for scientific research. It’s an app platform that is language independent. It looks like they got it right. It has an apps marketplace for data that developers can use to build apps. It’s a powerful combination and deserves inclusion in our top 10 list.
Google Apps Marketplace
Google is achieving something significant with its Google Apps Marketplace. It is serving as an ecosystem for third party SaaS providers. Its success shows in its numbers. It has more than 200 apps and about four million users with access to the service.
Services like SherpaTools strengthen the platform:
Google Apps Marketplace provides another example for how marketplaces can help create services that extend what a SaaS can offer. It also shows the strength of the Google apps suite. Cloud app marketplaces are fast emerging. Google Apps Marketplace is helping set the standard by embracing the open Web, OpenID and REST-based APIs. This gives customers ease of use and flexibility. That’s a critical combination that provides companies a level of agility that has in the past been rare to come by.
Twilio is intriguing. It’s an energetic group of people who have embraced telephony in the cloud with more youthful energy compared to most companies we follow. This is a company that has a bounty of case studies for how the platform is applied. We think of it as an idea engine that demonstrates how messaging is becoming a new communications system for people. Messaging can be done through SMS or through apps that trigger information that needs to be presented in a specific context. Twilio also makes money. Its API provides ways for developers to create services that can be charged to the end user. That’s a huge market opportunity. Twilio is right there to take advantage of it.
Thanks to everyone for their support in the development of ReadWriteCloud. Our community has grown quite a bit in the past year. We value your continued interest. We look forward to a new year with more coverage and insights to help you get a picture of the market, its technologies and the trends that are fueling significant innovation.
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