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The Top Mobile Apps of 2010, According to Apple, GetJar and Others

Now for the data from Chomp, the search engine and mobile app that helps you find the best iOS apps. Did its data match up with Apple’s?

Chomp says its most searched apps for 2010 (excluding Facebook and Twitter) were:

Most Searched Apps in 2010:

  1. Adobe Photoshop Express
  2. Pandora Radio
  3. Google Earth
  4. Shazam
  5. Remote
  6. TapDefense
  7. Movies by Flixster
  8. Moodagent FREE
  9. JellyCar
  10. Tap Tap Revenge
  11. Lose It!
  12. Topple
  13. Paper Toss
  14. Google Mobile App
  15. Cube Runner
  16. Dragon Dictation
  17. NYTimes
  18. IMDb Movies

Chomp notes that some of theseĀ apps were not searched for directly by name, but discovered based upon a filtered search (applying category or price).

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