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The Top Mobile Apps of 2010, According to Apple, GetJar and Others

appstorehq-logo.gifNext we have AppStore HQ‘s Data, a site that focuses on iPhone and Android applications, as well as apps for the mobile Web.

On iOS (both iPad and iPhone), AppStore HQ says the “hottest” apps for 2010 are as follows.

Hottest iOS Apps for 2010

  1. Netflix
  2. Plants vs. Zombies
  4. iBooks
  5. iMovie
  6. Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars
  7. NYT Editors Choice
  8. MobileMe Gallery
  9. Fruit Ninja
  10. WIRED Magazine

Hottest Android Apps for 2010

  1. Twitter
  2. Kindle for Android
  3. Angry Birds
  4. Dropbox
  5. Vlingo: Words to Actions
  6. Rhapsody (Beta)
  7. Google Shopper
  8. Personal Finance
  9. Angry Birds Lite Beta
  10. Skype

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