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SMBs Engage in Insecure Computing Habits, Says Study

usb-thumb-drive.jpgAs the most recent WikiLeaks data dump continues to dominate headlines, one of the most striking aspects of the whole affair is how a low-level government operative was able to get their hands on so much sensitive data.

Apparently, the federal government isn’t alone in being lax with data security. While the potential consequences are far less serious, small and medium-sized businesses are often guilty some questionable computing practices.


Many SMBs are using thumb drives and DVD-Rs to back-up critical business data and piggybacking off insecure WiFi networks, according to a study conducted by Lenovo and Harris Interactive.

In total, 25% of respondents said they or somebody they know have used insecure WiFi networks to conduct important business, including 17% of executives.

As work increasingly becomes mobile and distributed, more and more employees of SMBs are downloading critical data to USB thumb drives and DVD-Rs. According to the study, 50% of small business workers admitted to using such methods to back up data, rather than utilizing external hard drives or cloud-based solutions.

In a less troubling, but still interesting finding, the survey concluded that 70% of small businesses have not yet adopted VoIP for making day-to-day business phone calls. Apparently the lower cost of using VoIP hasn’t yet made it a mainstream option for cash-strapped small businesses.

The study was based on a sample of 722 adults who either owned or worked for a small business.

Photo courtesy of Flickr user Ambuj Saxena


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