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SitePoint’s Craig Buckler’s 3 Realistic Wishes for the Web in 2011

SitePoint logo The past few weeks have been filled with predictions for what 2011 will hold. Earlier today, I shared my own predictions. But what do you want to see happen on the web in the coming year?

SitePoint‘s Craig Buckler has compiled a list of his three biggest but realistic wishes for the web in 2011.


  1. Microsoft would release IE9 on Windows XP – Buckler argues that HTML5 could be held back years if Microsoft doesn’t offer HTML5 support on its most widespread operating system.
  2. Widespread availability of server-side JavaScript -Buckler wants to see Node.js become as widespread an option as PHP and ASP.NET.
  3. Web developers would backtrack on bandwidth-hogging websites Buckler wants to see fewer multi-megabyte web sites.

Just for kicks, he appended his fantasy wishes to the end of the article:

  1. Free open wi-fi becomes available everywhere on the planet.
  2. SEO cowboys find their conscience.
  3. PHP6 is released with full Unicode support.

My wish, and I’m not sure how realistic it is, is for a major desktop client for social media services (ideally TweetDeck) to implement Twebz-like replication features.

What are you wishes for the web in 2011?


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