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Netflix Poised for Overseas Expansion

While those of us in North America look longingly at Europe and pine for the day that Spotify makes it overseas, movie lovers in Europe, South America and Asia exhibit the same wanton look for a North American favorite – Netflix.

The DVD and streaming-video delivery service recently expanded into Canada and now, according to reporting today from AdWeek, the signs are pointing to an overseas expansion that could make many a film nut quite happy.


AdWeek is reporting that Netflix is “talking with several advertising and media agencies about potential international assignments”. Netflix CEO Reed Hastings had previously stated that the company was getting ready to go global, but that the push would wait until it had gotten settled in Canada.

According to AdWeek, which cites several anonymous sources, “talks are ongoing” and the company is said to be in “exploratory discussions” with advertising and media agencies.

Get ready, world, for the joy that is endless TV and movie marathons via Netflix. We have to wonder, though, if the company will launch as a DVD distribution service, as it did here, or if it would limit overseas offerings to streaming-only content. What do you say? Would it make sense to provide DVD-shipping overseas or is Internet-only the only way to go?


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