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Live Blog: Marc Benioff’s Dreamforce Keynote – Day 2

Thumbnail image for dreamforce10.jpg It is the second day of Dreamforce, the annual conference for users.

Today the news is all about Heroku, which has been acquired by for $212 million.

We’ll see what else is on tap as Marc Benioff takes the stage.


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9:10 Killing time. We’re starting a bit late. Pete Coffee of is talking with a George Bush impersonator.

9:17 Looks like we are about to get started.

9:21Sounds like a new song – “This is the best one yet.” Video montage from yesterday’s Dreamforce.

9:22 Benioff is back on stage. He said it was a late night. What time is it? Stevie Wonder and talked backstage last night. Benioff says it was a like father and son conversation. Just like conversations he used to have with Larry Ellison, Benioff said.

9:25 Benioff is comparing Microsoft to a dark force. He is talking about how Microsoft sued He is talking about the protests Microsoft did at Dreamforce yesterday. The campaign: “I Didn’t Get Forced,” received a lot of criticism. He is asking the audience to help get the customers back.

i9:30 Star Wars “Empire Strikes Back,” music is playing as “Bernard,” takes the stage. The actor is a likeness of the person in the Microsoft ad. Benioff is now talking with Bernard about the pains of working with Microsoft. Bernard agrees to go back to

"I Didn't Get Forced" Microsoft ad guy

9:35 Benioff is talking about University of California at San Francisco (UCSF) and its mission to advance health worldwide. Benioff is explaining why he and his wife gave $100 million to UCSF for a children’s hospital.

9:44 Benioff is talking about new headquarters the company is building at UCSF. Tonight is the benefit concert for the children’s hospital, featuring Neil Young. Anyone have a ticket for a cloud blogger? Really, it’s an excellent cause. Tickets are still available.


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