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JFK: Bio App Puts Camelot on Your iPhone

MultiLogo.jpgOn the 50th anniversary of his taking office, MultiEducator has debuted JFK Historymaker 1.0.

The iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch app contains 36 chapters, 250 high-res photographs, the full text of over 200 speeches, 60-plus pages of bio, and 35 video clips.


MultiEducator President Marc Schulman wrote the text, which is the culmination of 18 years of engagement with the topic, and the technology available to deliver it. It began on as a multimedia CD-ROM. The latest expansive iteration was a reaction to the possibilities of the iPad.

jfk screen.jpgApp sections include:

  • Childhood
  • Harvard
  • Europe
  • Navy
  • Marriage
  • Daily Schedule of the President
  • Bay of Pigs
  • Crisis In Berlin
  • Southeast Asia
  • Economy
  • Civil Rights
  • Cuban Missile Crisis
  • Assassination
  • Legacy

Users can export all the video, text and photographs in the app, which makes sense given the New Rochelle, NY-based company’s focus on education. The app requires iOS 3.1 or later and 464 MB.


Posted in Apple, General, Technology, Web.

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