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InstapaperFeed: A Great Way to Pull Good Reading Out of Twitter


Popularity isn’t the best judge of quality, but it’s not a bad place to start – especially in a pinch. Instapaper is a wonderful app that captures online articles and stores them for clean offline reading on your mobile device. InstapaperFeed is one of many apps built by independent developers on top of Instapaper, but it’s an especially cool one I think.

Here’s how it works. First, give InstapaperFeed access to your accounts on both Instapaper and Twitter. Then the app will look at every link shared by someone you’re following on Twitter, look for the ones that link shortening service has clickthrough numbers for, and post the most popular ones each day to your Instapaper account. What a smart little hack!


InstapaperFeed was built by Kevin Marshall, the data hacker behind a ridiculous number of cool projects. All of those projects are said to culminate in the forthcoming KnowAbout.It. Thanks, Kevin, for filling my phone up with good things to read – automatically!


Posted in General, Technology, Web.

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