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How Does Firefox Battle For Browser Market Share? Stream Cuteness!

firefox-live-logo.JPGWhat do you do if you start to feel that you’re losing a bit of ground in the browser market? Do you adopt open standards and ply to the Web geeks? Or do you run benchmark tests and pitch bloggers with shiny infographics?

If you’re Mozilla, the non-profit behind the number two browser in the world, you adopt two cute little foxes, point a Web cam at them, and promise to buy them a jungle gym if enough people download Firefox.


firefox-live-cuteness.JPGMozilla has launched Firefox LIVE in an admittedly "aww"-inspiring move "to promote openness, innovation and opportunity on the web."

"We’re streaming cuteness," the company says next to the live feed, and they aren’t lying.

We’re focused on building communities and enriching people’s lives rather than financial gain. Ultimately, we have a single goal: Make the Internet better for everyone.

(In this case, we’re making it significantly cuter, too.)

So every time you download Firefox, you’re not just downloading an awesome browser.

You’re ensuring the web stays free and open for years to come.

Now, go. Check out those fluffy faces.

That’s right, instead of plying you with technical terms and specs, Mozilla has decided to come at it from the opposite direction – never mind all that intellectual stuff, look at the fox cubs!


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