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History: Job Posting for Before it Launched

Here’s a fun artifact from internet history: an old Usenet posting, now archived in Google Groups, seeking “extremely talented C/C++/Unix developers to help pioneer commerce on the Internet.” (Screenshot below.) That posting, by Jeff Bezos in August 1994 for a company then called Abracadabra and funded primarily by Bezos’s parents’ retirement funds, was to employ some of the first people at what would launch as a year later.

An ambitious set of requirements is included. Imagine seeing a job posting like this today. Where might it lead? In this case, not just into the history books, but into a business that is rewriting the history books themselves, in digital form.


Below, a screenshot of what looks like a very real posting to a job you just might wish you had applied for. Found via semantic web consultant Joe Devon on Twitter. Devon found the link via Quora.



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