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Xmarks Getting Acquired, Will Offer Free & Paid Service

xmarks-logo.jpgJust over a month ago, it looked like it was the end of the road for bookmark syncing service Xmarks. Days later, the service changed its tune and started talking Xmarks as a premium service. Now, just a month later, the company is saying that it’s “Alive and Kicking” and on the verge of being acquired.


Quoting a bit of celebratory Pearl Jam, Xmarks announced today that it is in the final stages of completing a sale “to a new owner who is 100% committed to keep our great browser sync service running smoothly.”

When the service announced its eventual demise in September, we all surmised that built-in browser sync had led to its downfall, but it’s looking like things have turned around for one of our favorite bookmark syncing tools.

What does the future look like for Xmarks? From today’s blog post:

The Xmarks service will evolve to have both a free component and a premium component – we’ll share all the details once the deal is done. For all of you that signed our pledge, or are asking us to reopen the pledge, please hold that thought. When we update the service we’ll have a premium option for you to spend some of your hard earned money on, and we will be very thankful when you do!

We have to wonder what the free version will retain and what it will lose. Will the free service remain the same? Or will paid users get what full service, while free users get a lesser service?

An acquisition sounds like great news for the Xmarks crew, but we’re curious as to what it means for us users.


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