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Weekly Wrap-up: Jailbreak iOS 4.2.1, Netflix’s Advice on Moving to Amazon Web Services, Top Trends of 2010 And More…

weekly_wrapup-1.pngA new iPhone and iPad jailbreak always top our list of the week’s biggest stories and this week was no different. Spoiler if you haven’t read the post yet: It’s a tethered jailbreak for iPhones, which can be a real pain (something I found out the hard way). In our coverage of other top Internet trends, Microsoft made waves in the location community when it hired the world’s leading geo-dissident. It’s almost December and that means the beginning of our year-in-review stories. This week Richard MacManus looked at the rise of e-readers and light blogging. Read on for more of this week’s top stories.


Top Stories of the Week

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Download The Age of Exabytes: Tools & Approaches for Managing Big Data

ageofex_banner.pngWe are experiencing a big data explosion, a result not only of increasing Internet usage by people around the world, but also the connection of billions of devices to the Internet. Eight years ago, for example, there were only around 5 exabytes of data online. Just two years ago, that amount of data passed over the Internet over the course of a single month. And recent estimates put monthly Internet data flow at around 21 exabytes of data.

Our latest report, The Age of Exabytes, explores how technologies are evolving to address the needs of managing big data, from innovations in storage at the chip and data center level, to the development of frameworks used for distributed computing, to the increasing demand for analytical tools that can glean insights from big data in near real-time. Download it for free now.


More Location coverage

App Stores

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As well as enabling you to read ReadWriteWeb while on the go or lying on the couch, we’ve made it easy to share ReadWriteWeb posts directly from your iPhone, on Twitter and Facebook using the official ReadWriteWeb iPhone app. You can also follow the RWW team on Twitter, directly from the app. We invite you to download it now from iTunes.


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Enjoy your weekend everyone!

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