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Weekly Poll: Do You Believe Analyst Forecasts About the Cloud?

Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for oracleweeklypollchart.pngYou know cloud computing is big.
Then you see the analyst forecasts like the ones compiled by Total Cloud.

And you have to ask yourself: Do you believe these numbers?

Here are the market estimates that Total Cloud collected and posted to its blog:


  • Small business spending on cloud computing will reach $100 billion by 2014.
  • Gartner estimates the Cloud market at $150B by 2013 while Merrill Lynch has it at 160B by 2011.
  • A recent survey of 500 IT decision-makers by SandHill found that about 50% of respondents cited business agility as their primary reason for adopting cloud applications.
  • Mobile and social computing are growing faster than anything before in the history of technology, and enterprise applications will need to adapt.
  • Gartner estimates that virtualization is growing rapidly and that by 2013, 60% of server workloads will be virtualized.
  • Public cloud infrastructure, applications and platforms are growing at 25%+ yet IDC projects that the market for enterprise servers will double by 2013.
  • IDC estimates the market for public cloud products and services at $16B in 2010, growing to $56B by 2014.

What do you think?


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