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Weekend Project: Hack Microsoft Kinect


Kinect Hack: Motors


Shadow Puppets


Interactive Puppet Prototype with Xbox Kinect from Theo Watson on Vimeo.

Controlling an iRobot

This experiment from MIT’s Phillip Robbel connects the Kinect unit to an iRobot is able to paint a room using Kinect’s depth sensors, recognizes a human and can be commanded with a wave of a hand. (via Forbes)


3D Video Capture with Kinect

By combining the color and the depth image captured by the Microsoft Kinect, one can project the color image back out into space and create a “holographic” representation of the persons or objects that were captured. The project website is at: and a similar video is here.

Multitouch with Hacked Kinect

This video shows a proof-of-concept where the Kinect camera is use for multitouch-like interaction.

Kinect on OS X

XBox Kinect running on OS X ( with source code ) from Theo Watson on Vimeo.

3D Video Made with Kinect

3d video with Xbox Kinect from cc laan on Vimeo.

Object Recognition on the PC

This proof-of-concept shows how Kinect can be taught to recognize objects, like a toy a doll, a dog and others.

…And More!

The ongoing list of Kinect hacks is being kept up-to-date here, on


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