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The Mobile Developer Journey from App Design to Monetization (Infographic)

mobile_phone_infographic.pngVisionMobile, a market analysis and strategy firm for the mobile industry, has just released an infographic detailing the key aspects of the mobile developer journey. The graphic is a part of its Developer Economics 2010, a 57-page global research report that details mobile application development across eight major mobile platforms including iOS, Android, Symbian, Java ME, Blackberry, Windows Phone, Flash/Flash Lite and the mobile Web (WAP/XHTML/CSS/JavaScript).


A Developer’s Journey

Infographics are great for quickly being able to parse and understand complex data. In this particular infographic, VisionMobile gives you a glance at the journey of the mobile developer from the very beginning with the platform selection process, to the end goal of monetization.

It also examines other aspects of the journey, including the learning curves for various mobile platforms (Android has the lowest learning curve and Symbian the highest), the development pain points for given platforms (Symbian, Android and Blackberry have slow-starting emulators, for example), the best features of certain platforms (Android and Java have low-cost development tools) the primary channels to market, time to market and more.

Here’s the graphic, click to see it larger of course:

Developer Economics 2010 Infographic.jpg


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