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Oracle Drops InnoDB from MySQL Classic Edition

logo-mysql-110x57.pngOracle has dropped support for InnoDB in its MySQL Classic Edition as part of its continued push to capitalize on the open-source database technology.

InnoDB is still free as part of the MySQL community edition, available as a GPL license. InnoDB is included in the standard edition for $2,000.

InnoDB is a storage engine for MySQL. It had historically been available for all binaries of MySQL.



InnoDB became a product of Oracle Corporation after its acquisition of Innobase in 2005.

MySQL had been managed by Sun Microsystems until its acquisition by Oracle earlier this year. Since then, Oralce has methodically moved toward making MySQL a profit center.

What this means for developers is still to be determined but it could pose an issue for startups.

But maybe not. There is a growing number of alternatives to MySQL, including PostgreSQL, often referred to as Postgres. There is also a nascent movement to adopt NoSQL, which has a core community that sees it as more relevant in addressing cloud scalability.


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