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IM+ Brings its Popular Mobile Chat Client to the Web

im-plus-logo.JPGIM+, the multi-platform chat client that runs on nearly every type of mobile phone, has found its way onto the desktop. The company has been beta testing a Web-based version of its popular app since August and tomorrow is taking it out of beta.


The service allows users to chat with contacts from MSN Live Messenger, Facebook, Skype, Google Talk, Yahoo! Messenger, AIM, ICQ, MySpace, and Jabber, and keeps a chat history of both mobile and Web-based chats that can be accessed from either.

Until now, the app has been available on iPhone, BlackBerry, Android, WebOS, Windows Mobile, Symbian and even Java-based phones. Now, it is making its way onto the desktop via the Web.

"Most companies have a web project or desktop software first. Then some of them port the software to mobile. Shape is going another way: being a mobile company, we transfer our success and user loyalty to the desktop world," said Elena Dyatlova, the company’s public relations manager. "When Facebook and Google fight for a name of an all-in-one communication hub, we think there’s a demand for IM+ as a third party super-aggregator."

In its attempt to be a "super-aggregator", IM+ does manage to stand out by offering Skype support, something neither Pidgin, Trillian, Adium or a number of other desktop clients support. At the same time, it lacks Twitter, but there are enough Twitter apps out there as it is.

Just like these other clients, IM+ makes it so you don’t have to decide between old friends on AIM and new friends on Facebook. The part we like is that it does that both on our desktop and on our mobile phone. Give IM+ for the Web a shot and let us know what you think.


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