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Global Freelancer Survey Extended!

In order to gather enough data to fairly represent freelancers world wide, we’ve extended the run of the 2010 Global Freelancer Survey! We want to create a complete view of freelancers around the world–and we need your help. We need more responses in order to compare results to the success of the 2007 survey.

If you haven’t already, please take the Global Freelancers Survey and let us know what you think! We need YOUR help to spread the word and help out your fellow freelancer. You will be entered to win one of our many fabulous prizes, including a prize package from MOO Cards and a 32GB iPad! All eligible entries will also receive an overview of survey results–find out what other freelancers are charging or finding clients!

Interested? Read the original post for full details. The survey will remain open until November 29th, 2010. Take the survey now!

Posted in Business, Freelancing, General, Web, Web Design.

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