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Amazon Black Friday Deals Can’t Keep Up With Demand

Let the madness begin. This Friday, also known as "Black Friday", is the busiest shopping day of the season in the U.S.. For Amazon users, however, the day known for profit-busting deals has been extended into a weeklong affair known as Amazon’s Black Friday Deals Week.

The online event kicked off this morning and already there is a flood of complaints that you can’t click fast enough to get in on the savings.


Amazon describes the events as running from Monday to Friday and "offering hundreds of deals on thousands of products, at must-have prices." Those "must-have prices", though, don’t seem to last very long.

According to CNet U.K., "the mood has turned sour for many in Amazon’s own forums, with threads entitled Amazon deals only last a second, and Damage to reputation, business and customer trust, and Absolutely load of tosh! Amazon deals available for all of 2 seconds!! Boycot them!!."

Another blog describes the situation, saying that "A lot of people who were patiently waiting for the Amazon Black Friday deals were disappointed, as frenzy erupted as soon as the site opened its doors. […] Users excitedly logged in to the site only to be disappointed that almost all of the great deals were taken."

Looking at the Black Friday Deals page, however, shows plenty of “Lightning Deals” that seem to be lasting well long enough to get in on the discounts.

To get a jump on the competition, CNet suggests following Amazon’s Facebook page. The company has also created a Twitter account to announce this weeks deals. Maybe, just maybe, if you’re quick on the digital draw, you too can get a copy of Susan Boyle’s latest and greatest hits. Rejoice in one thing, at least, if you don’t – you weren’t caught up in a discount induced stampede if you miss out.

Also, keep an eye out here this week, as we’ll be looking for more hot iPhone apps and online sources for Black Friday deals.


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