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Alfresco Interview Topic: 10 Forces Affecting Content Management

cape byronThe way we view the enterprise is changing all at once. We view technologies differently due to a number of factors.

At the base of all this change is one constant. And that’s content. It all needs to be managed in some way. Content is a central issue in the enterprise. It’s becoming as important for management as any core function.


Over the next few days we will take a deeper look at content management systems (CMS) with a particular emphasis on how the modern enterprise will manage information.

Our hook is the Alfresco Software Developer conference in New York. We’ll attend the event. We’ll do a live stream interview with Alfresco Chairman John Newton.

The interview will run here live, starting at 10:30 a.m. PST. We will ask John about 10 factors that we see affecting the content management market.

These include:

  1. The advent of cloud computing
  2. The modern Web-based application
  3. Big data
  4. Social networks and the role they play in communications
  5. The mobile workforce
  6. Search
  7. Open APIs
  8. Standards
  9. Virtualization
  10. Appliances

These are all topics that affect any aspect of the enterprise. Our question is about the inherent relationship that content management systems share with other applications. And in that context how these forces affect the way content is viewed in an enterprise setting.

Alfresco Software is covering Alex Williams airfare and hotel to attend its developer conference.


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