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7 Enterprise Tools Launched or Updated This Week

It’s been a busy week in enterprise-land, and with the kickoff of Enterprise 2.0 in Santa Clara, it’s only going to get busier next week. This week saw some new tools from Adobe, a new entrant into the burgeoning social CRM space, an interesting new client-less anti-malware appliance and much more. Here’s a round-up of the new stuff in one convenient location.


Adobe Updates Adobe Connect to Version 8

Adobe launched a new version of its web conferencing software Adobe Connect. The Adobe Connect 8 features include:

  • Revamped User Interface
  • Extensibility so that customers or third parties can add features
  • Interoperability with several video conferencing platforms
  • XMPP chat integration
  • Offline access

In a blog post RedMonk’s Michael Coté wrote “In RedMonk’s experience, Connect is the easiest to use of the many desktop sharing services we have to use daily (WebEx, GoToMeeting, and occasionally, Microsoft LiveMeeting).” In Gartner’s Magic Quardrant for Web Conferencing 2009, Adobe was positioned as a leader along side several other vendors.

Rumors surfaced this week that is close to purchasing competitor Dimdim.

Adobe Launches Cloud Based PDF Tools

Today Adobe launched two new PDF SaaS tools:

  • Adobe SendNow – a file sharing service, which provides the unique ability to allow multiple people to access a single document from any number of locations.
  • Adobe CreatePDF – which not only lets your convert Office documents to PDF, but you can combine multiple documents into a single PDF, among other features.

CreatePDF will compete with PDFescape, another free web based PDF editing tool.

Watchitoo Launches Highly Scalable Discussion Tool

Watchitoo launched its enterprise real-time discussion tool with a trial-by-fire: powering‘s online election coverage discussions on Tuesday.

New Social CRM Suite Office Xta Launches

Office Xta, a new enterprise collaboration and social CRM SAAS offering, launched on Monday. Like Huddle, Office Xta is focusing collaboration with business partners and others outside the firewall. And like other social CRM platforms, it allows for monitoring of Twitter and Facebook. The “one platform to rule them all” market is quite crowded already with companies like Jive and Moxie already leading the way.

MapReduce Databsase InfiniDB Gets an Enterprise Edition

CalPont launched an enterprise edition of its map/reduce database InfiniDB . InfiniDB uses MySQL to access to access its underlying data stores. There’s an entry in its FAQ that explains the difference between InfiniDB and NoSQL solutions.

Lease Zend Server by the Hour Thanks to MorphLabs

Amazon AWS solutions provider MorphLabs announced that using its mCloud platform customers will now be able to lease Zend Server by the hour, much the same way Amazon EC2 customers purchase hosting resources hourly.

MorphLabs also announced the availability of mCloud on Demand for managing public clouds.

HBGary Launched Agent-Less Malware Protection Appliance

Security firm HBgary launched a security appliance called Inoculator that protects desktops from malware without the need for client software. According to the company:

Inoculator does not use agents. It manages all end‐nodes using standard Windows®‐networking API’s over the network. It requires that WMI be enabled for the Enterprise. Inoculator interfaces with your Active Directory server and communicates with hosts using remote procedure calls only. Machines are managed using a group interface. There is zero performance impact to the endnode.

Inoculator will compete with other agent-less security providers like Zscaler and Seculert.


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