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Weekly Poll: How Many iPad Apps Have You Bought?

Nielsen this week released a new report on Connected Devices, which looked at trends surrounding the iPad, Kindle and others. These tablet computers are now owned by 48% of early adopters, a group which tends to be more wealthy (25% has an income greater than $100K) and more educated (51% have a Bachelor’s degree or higher).

But what was really interesting was the new data on iPad usage. According the report, the majority of iPad content owners have paid for apps.


63% of iPad owners have purchased at least one paid app, and the most popular paid app categories are games, (62%), books (54%), music (50%) and news/headlines (45%). However, as you can tell from the chart below, many categories are seeing good uptake from paid app shoppers, indicating that iPad owners are more than willing to pay for content.

Only 5% of the iPad user base claim they only download free apps, but 32% said they did not download any app. That’s right – no apps at all.


What the survey didn’t reveal – and what we’re curious about – is how many paid apps people have on their iPad. Personally, I have less than 10, but that’s probably because I’m not much of a gamer. Plus, I tend to use the iPad to check email (I even prefer it to using Gmail!) and to surf the Web. What about you?

iPad owners, please take our weekly poll and share your stats. Feel free to comment, too, about your favorite paid apps.


Posted in Apple, General, Technology, Web.

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