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Square Makes Amends With the iPhone 4, Ships New Readers

Earlier this week, we wrote about how Square, the mobile payment app, had run into issues with its credit card reader not working with the iPhone 4. The company has run into a few setbacks along the way, but it looks like this is one they’re quickly taking care of.

According to the Business Insider, incompatibility with Apple’s latest and greatest incarnation of smartphone wasn’t on the agenda.



The whole problem came about as the card reader plugs into the iPhone’s headphone jack and interferes with the antenna band. As we pointed out earlier this week, the company offered a quick fix in a support entry that involved cleaning out the headphone jack with a toothpick and using a piece of paper to prevent the reader from making contact. The latest reader simply has a plastic bit, rather than a metal bit, to fix the issue.

"We’re going to send out a reader automatically to iPhone 4 users if you’ve recently used the app," tweeted Square co-founder Tristan O’Tierney.

O’Tierney asks in the same tweet that users take it easy on the support staff and notes in another that the Square staff has none of the new readers themselves as they’re all being shipped to users.

Photo by agoglanian


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