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Playstation May Use Your Facebook Account to Customize Your Gameplay

Thumbnail image for Facebook_logo.jpgThe latest firmware update for Playstation 3 included an interesting bit of code. This code will allow Sony to marry your Facebook information with your games in a number of interesting ways.

The possible customizations of your games with your social network data include a personal play-list for Rock Band, personalizing team-members in Madden NFL to looking like friends and decorating Grand Theft Auto billboards and logos to reflect your “Likes.”


Eric Lempel, Sony Computer Entertainment VP of Network Ops told Forbes that the biggest game developers are interested in developing with the Facebook integration in mind. The first such games will be out for the Holiday gift-buying season.

playstation.jpgIn addition to leveraging the Facebook API for more rewarding gameplay and better access to players’ pocketbooks, the integration also benefits Facebook. Even as Facebook’s premier game developer, Zynga, has sought ways to extend its games off the Facebook platform, Facebook is seeking to do the same.

This is an integration a power of magnitude greater than the previous simple ability to publish your in-game scores or other achievements to your Facebook account. Although 200 million people already play Facebook games, it also allows Facebook to enter the realm of AAA games, what the hordes of hardcore gamers consider “real games.” Not only is there prestige involved, access to non-casual gaming is access to a $20 billion industry.

Tip via Digital Trends | Playstation photo by William Hook


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