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Netflix Launches Disc-Free Streaming for the Wii

netflixlogo.jpgUntil today, an exclusive agreement between Netflix and Microsoft meant that only Xbox users were able to use a native Netflix app on their consoles to stream movies and TV shows from Netflix without the need to insert a disc into their machines. Starting today, however, Netflix users with a subscription of $8.99 and above who own a Nintendo Wii can also download a Netflix app on their consoles and recycle their old Netflix CDs.


Just last week, Sony also announced that owners of its PS3 console will now be able to skip their Netflix CDs and stream videos in 1080p with surround sound starting – something no other Netflix solution currently offers. The Wii, of course, does not support high-definition video, so the quality of the video stream won’t be as high as on other platforms that support Netflix HD streaming like the new Apple TV, Roku and the PS3.

As all of these streaming video solutions and Internet-connected TVs become more mainstream (and no other console is more mainstream than the Wii), more and more consumers will likely be willing to cut their cable subscription in favor of using services like Netflix and Hulu+ in their living rooms. This, of course, is something the cable companies are rather worried about, but it is definitely a boon for consumers who now have more choice for how and when they want to consume video content.


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