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FreelanceSwitch Photo Contest Winners Announced!

The response to our recent competition for photos submitted to our FreelanceSwitch photo pool on Flickr was huge–we received over 1,500 submissions! Due to the high number of fantastic photos, I called in FreelanceSwitch’s resident forums moderators, Eliffio and Amber, to help pick the winners. Check out all the submissions in the gallery. Without further ado…on to the winners!

Grand Prize Winner : Julia Demchenko

365/18: Experiments with liquids and stills

We chose this image for the technical challenge and great use of color, emotion, and movement. Nice work, Julia! Julia wins a $100 gift certificate to ThinkGeek and a free tee from the awesome team at TeeLance!

1st Runner-Up : irisandtheworld

Just hanging in the living room...

Irisandtheworld submitted an image that best fit the theme of freelancing and impressed us with the detail and landscape. Who wouldn’t want that kind of scenery from your couch?

2nd Runner-Up : Dave Fowler

Coffee Bokeh Portrait

Dave’s use of warm colors and a selective bokeh effect won us over. (The coffee didn’t hurt either! FreelanceSwitch runs on caffeine.) Very nice work, Dave! Dave and Irisandtheworld will receive a coupon for a free TeeLance tee.

What’s Next?

Be sure to check out all the great submissions in the FreelanceSwitch photo pool. I have to say, I was really blown away by the talented photographers and photography enthusiasts in the FreelanceSwitch reader community. I’m going to look forward to showcasing the best images in up-coming articles and posts! Thank you to everyone who participated, and once again, a special thanks to TeeLance for sponsoring prizes!

Stay tuned to FreelanceSwitch, because our next giveaway has been two years in the making and will feature the biggest prize bundle all year!

Posted in Business, Freelancing, General, Web, Web Design.

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